Cool Find of the Week!

The Hollywood Fashion Tape Hip Hugger

I know we’ve all been through it…you find the perfect pair of jeans that fit you perfectly everywhere except there is a gap at the waist!  UGH!  I hate it when that happens and that’s why I was so excited when I received the email about Hip Huggers!  The Hip Hugger is a small adjustable strap that hooks to your belt loops to gently close that bothersome gap at your waist!  They actually work!  I tried them yesterday!  (Check out my outfit at

If you would like to purchase the Hollywood Fashion Tape Hip Hugger you can message me, comment here,  or visit The Little Green Boutique and Salon in Monroe, LA.  Yep!  I loved this item so much I purchased them for my boutique! 

Do you have a fashion item that you can’t live without?  Please comment and let me know!

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