SAINTS Game Day Fashions

I remember when I used to despise football of any kind, but then one day I actually sat down and gave the Saints a chance to capture my attention and the rest is history!  I have been a loyal fan ever since…even to the point of hating the Atlanta Falcons!  LOL!

This year I was lucky enough to make it to the Saints/Packers game with my friends Kim and Bonnie.  We had a great time, although I couldn’t partake in the alcoholic festivities since I am 31 weeks pregnant.  Nevertheless, the Saints kept me completely entertained!

While we were mixing and mingling before the game, we were stopped by a fashion blogger who takes pictures of “best-dressed Saints fans” for the New Orleans Saints website.  Below is our picture!

best dressed saints fan

On that note, I found a few other bloggers who also post Saints game day outfits, so I thought I’d share a couple for a bit of fashion inspiration!  If you are lucky enough to be at the Saints game this weekend, have fun!!   I’m jealous.

Saints game daySaints game day 2

Who will you be cheering for this weekend?



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