Manic Monday – Organizing Challenge: Boardgames!

As a professional organizer, I often have the chance to organize kid spaces and one of the main challenges I always faced was with board games.  Inevitably, the game boxes were torn and tattered and everytime the kids would go to pull the game out it would give and all of the contents would come crashing to the floor.  Another problem was that the game boxes were not all the same size so it posed a problem when it came to the organizing process.  Well not anymore!  I just ran across the best organizing product that I’ve seen in a long time!  The little box above is called a “Game Saver” and, along with the blue one pictured above, it also comes in orange and purple!  You can purchase this nifty little product from!  Each game saver is different.  The one pictured above is obviously perfect for games like Monopoly, but they also have one that will work for any game!  Now you can go from before to after…

 Game Savers Boxes

And that’s your challenge for this week! 

Erin Sharplin Love

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